Brief profile of the Academics who contributed in developing Curricula of
Master Degreeprogrammes in Clean Energy Technologies
BSc(Hons)(Pera), PhD (Keele, UK),
Hydrogen diffusion and Energy
BSc (Hons) (Bergen), PhD (Bergen)
Nanomaterials for clean energy application and Computational modelling of solar cells
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), MSc(Pera), DIC, PhD (London)
Physics of Nanomaterials and Nanostructured Devices for Energy Conversion
BSc Eng (Hons) (Pera), PhD(Manchester, UK)
Controls of Power Electronics applied to Power System and Electric Machines
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), PhD (Leeds, UK)
Synthesis, characterization and applications of nano-catalysts
BSc Eng (Hons) (Pera), PhD (UNSW, Australia)
Automatic speaker recognition, Speech signal processing, Pattern recognition
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), MPhil (Pera), PhD (Cincinnati, USA)
Nano-composite materials for batteries and fuel cells
BSc Eng (Hons) (Jaffna), PhD (Oxford)
Natural activated carbon, Graphene oxide, Hydrogen fuel cells
BSc Eng (Hons) (Pera), PhD (Hokkaido, Japan)
Traffic control, Traffic demand forecasting
Dr.T. Pathmathas
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), ICTP Dip (Trieste) MSc (Pera), PhD (Cape Town, SA)
Computational modeling
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), M.Sc, PhD (South Dakota,USA)
Nanomaterials for Solar cells, Photocatalysis and Water splitting : Perovskites, Graphene Oxide
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), PhD (Malaya, Malaysia)
Functional ceramics
BSc(Hons)(Jaffna), PhD(Colombo)
Computational modeling
Dr, D. N. Subramanium
BSc Eng (Hons)(Mora), PhD (QUT, Australia)
Quantitative and qualitative management of Water Resources
Dr. B. Ketheesan
BSc Eng (Pera)(Hons), MS, PhD (NMSU, USA)
Biomass to bioenergy
BSc (Hons) (Jaffna), MSc(Belfast, UK)
Optical simulation of photonic structures for light trapping in opto-electronic devices
BEng (Hons.) (Anna) MSc (East London) PhD (Victoria, Wellington)
CNT, Graphene and Perovskite FETs
BSc Eng (Hons) (Pera)
Thermo fluids, Heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Prof.V.Dhayalan (Professor in Physics and Technology and Coordinator/HRNCET, HVL) and Prof. K.Kandasamy (Emeritus Professor in Physics and Consultant / Faculty of Technology, UoJ) have been serving as facilitators while Prof.Meena Senthilnanthan, Dr.T.Pathmathas and Dr.A.Anburuvel are serving as subject coordinators of this curriculum develoment process.
Detail of the curricula developed for the following master degree programmes under the project. Both curriculula were approved by the University Grants Commission.
Master of Clean Energy Technologies
(1 years) [Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 9]
Master of Science in Clean Energy Technologies
(2 years) [Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 10]