Visit to a Research Institutes in Norway

Professors and research students from HVL, University of Jaffna,University of Peradeniya and Coimbatore Institute of Technology visited Christian Michaelsen Research and Prototech on the 17th of October. President of Prototech, Dr. Bernt Skeie presented the research work carried out in the field of fuel cells. The delegation had also presentations on the activities carried out under the NORPART project. Delegates…Read More

Sri Lankan researchers at the HVL

Professor V. Dhayalan invited Senior Professor Gamini Rajapakshe (University of Peradeniya), Professor G. R. A. Kumara (National Institute of Fundamental Studies) and Professor P. Ravirajan (University of Jaffna) to have research stays at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) commencing from 16th to 26th of October. During their stay the visiting professors will be attending seminars, meetings with both institutions and industries…Read More

Research Stay of UOJ staff at HVL

Professor V. Dhayalan invited Dr. (Ms.) Shivatharsiny Rasalingam to have research stays at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) for a period of three weeks from September 18th to October 7th, 2017. She mainly involved in executing the experimental work of the research students from UoJ, UoP, and CIT. She assisted the students with setting up their labs and to…Read More

Western Norway University PhD student at University of Jaffna

One of Professor Dhayalan’s PhD scholars, Murugesan Rasukkannu is on short term visit for sharing his expertise knowledge on computer modelling of Nanomaterials.  He is going to deliver a talk on Computation modelling of Nanomaterials for the Solar cell applications at the department of Physics, UoJ  on 15.09.2017. Abstract of his talk as follows: Abstract: Computation modelling of nanomaterials is computationally challenging,…Read More

Presentation about the research

PhD and Master students from UoP and UoJ giving their presentations at HVL

Educational Training on Clean Energy Technologies for GCE(A/L) students

Educational Training on Clean Energy Technologies for GCE(A/L) students in Science and Technology streams  in the Jaffna District of Sri Lanka Training of Trainers (TOT) programme The Jaffna Science Association and Provincial Department of Education, Northern Province in collaboration with University of Jaffna and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences intend to provide educational training on Clean Energy Technologies to the GCE…Read More

Two research students are undergoing Research Training at HVL

Two Sri Lankan research students Asitha Udayanga and Siva Uthayaraj from Universities of Peradeniya and Jaffna have been undergoing six month Research Training at HVL under supervision of  Professor Dhayalan since first week of September, respectively. They will undergo training on range of sophisticated equipment related to material characterization. Sri Lankan supervisors, Prof.Gamini Rajapakshe and Prof.P.Ravirajan  will join them by third…Read More

Meeting of Project Monitoring Board

Project Management Board had a meeting on the 4th of August at HVL. Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai informed the members on the progress of the NORPART project. In relation to the NORPART project, HVL is now funded NOK 6,2 million by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sri Lanka for capacity building and establishing a research consortium on clean energy technologies. Details of…Read More

Technical Assistance Contract signed by the coordinators

Further to the MOU signed between the vice chancellors of the University of Jaffna and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in March 2017, an Institutional  Technical Assistance Contract on Capacity Building and Establishment of a Research Consortium in Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Technologies was signed by the project coordinators Prof.P.Ravirajan, and Prof.V.Dhayalan, at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Colombo in the…Read More

Visited Research Laboratories of the Collaborators

On 06.07.2017, Professors Dhayalan and Ravirajan visited the research laboratories at the University of Peradeniya and National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy and discussed about the possibilities of collaborative research with Professors Gamini Rajapakshe and Kumara at the respective institutions. Prof. Dhayalan invited both professors to the forthcoming Indo-Norwegian workshop to be held in Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India in December 2017. Also, the research work to be carried…Read More

Visit to Research Laboratories of the Collaborators

On 06.07.2017, Professors Dhayalan and Ravirajan visited the research laboratories at the University of Peradeniya and National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy and discussed about the possibilities of collaborative research with Professors Gamini Rajapakshe and Kumara at the respective institutions. Prof. Dhayalan invited both professors to the forthcoming Indo-Norwegian workshop to be held in Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India in December 2017. Also, the research work to be carried…Read More

Postgraduate Studentships

In June 2017, applications were invited ( from suitably qualified candidates for Postgraduate Research Studentships to work at the University of Jaffna and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences under general theme of Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Technologies.  Five applicants out of seven applied were appeared on July 03, 2017 before the interviewed panel consisted of Prof. V. Dhayalan,…Read More

Workshop on developing a Master degree curriculum on Clean Energy Technologies

On 03.07.2017, a workshop on ‘Developing a Master Degree Curriculum on Clean Energy Technologies’ was held at the University of Jaffna. More than twenty academics from the Faculties of Science, Engineering and Technology actively participated in this important academic exercise. The initial draft of syllabi for more than ten course units of the proposed master degree programme were presented by…Read More

Discussions with EXCO of JSA for outreach activities

On 29.06.2017, Prof.V.Dhayalan, Coordinator/HRNCET of Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Norway and Prof.P.Ravirajan, Coordinator/HRNCET of University of Jaffna (UoJ) had discussions with the Executive Committee of Jaffna Science Association (JSA) ( on possible collaboration for conducting outreach activities on Clean Energy Technologies in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. A proposal has been developed by the JSA subcommittee…Read More

Norwegian Students’ short visit to UoJ

Four final year electrical engineering undergraduates from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) were on a short visit to UoJ. They have been working on a final year Bachelor project in electrical engineering in clean energy technologies, namely solar cell technologies. They designed a complete smart energy solar energy based grid system for a newly built elderly home in…Read More

UoJ Council appointed members

The UoJ Council appointed members for Project Management Board and Advisory Board.

Dr (Miss). R. Shivatharsiny visited Coimbatore Institute of Technology

Dr (Miss). R. Shivatharsiny visited Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) on invitation to execute the experimental work under HRNCET-NORPART project for a week. She initiated the experimental work on synthesizing organic-inorganic perovskite materials for solar cell applications.

Coordinators from three partnering institutions met in Coimbatore

Coordinators from three partnering institutions met in Coimbatore, India and had a fruitful discussion on future collaborative works.

Collaborative agreement with the University of Jaffna

High level delegation from HVL, Norway including the Vice Chancellor of HVL visited and signed a MOU and Collaborative agreement with the University of Jaffna. The main objective of the project is to strengthen the collaboration between the partner institutions (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Universities of Adger and Bergen, Norway, Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), India and University…Read More

Visited research laboratories of Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

On invitation from Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai, Prof. P.Ravirajan visited research laboratories of Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as Bergen University College), and University of Bergen and had discussions with the Vice Chancellor (Pro-Rector), Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Business Administration and International officer.